Knickers By Post the UK’s No 1 Lingerie Subscription.
Order with confidence, we collaborate with well-known & trusted luxury brands, that you get to try at a fraction of the cost.
With over 10 years experience we handpick each pair of luxury knickers we know work for their quality, beauty, comfort and fit.
Choose for yourself, or as a gift, any of our underwear subscriptions. Choose the size, and style (with or without thongs), pop in a personal message if it’s a gift and we’ll do the rest.
Your underwear subscription arrives beautifully wrapped so the excitement begins the moment it’s popped through the letter box.
Free Postage on every box.
Use code allsubs10 for 10% off your first order.
- Monthly rolling subscription £18.95 per month (pause or cancel anytime.)
- 3 Months subscription £55.00 one upfront payment no rollover.
- 6 Months subscription £105.00 one upfront payment no rollover.