• Luxury handbags
  • From £51.95

A members club for handbag lovers.

COCOON is making luxury accessible. For less than your daily coffee, our monthly membership gives you access to thousands of luxury bags that are being cared for and shared amongst club members.

Caring for our arm candy. COCOON have a dedicated team of bag care experts who keep our bags in rotation and make sure they are looking their absolute best for our members.

Never enough newness. COCOON membership offers an alternative way to enjoy luxury pieces without the need to add another style to your permanent personal collection.

More than just a handbag club, our members enjoy a range of benefits including events, product launches and personalised benefits all curated for handbag lovers.

Come and join the club!”

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  • Luxury handbags
  • From £51.95

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  • Luxury handbags
  • From £51.95