Graze – July 2017

There is no way that you can open a glossy magazine without seeing an advert for Graze in there. Graze is a snack subscription box which has also expanded into snack packs that you can pick up in most supermarkets. The subscription service aims to deliver healthy, nutritional snacks to your door. The team at Graze have developed more than 100 snacks that will help you get through the snacking day.

I have had several Graze snacks from my local supermarket but never considered their subscription service, so I thought I would give it a whirl in a bid to try and snack a little smarter.


Some of the snacks were amazing to just throw into your handbag or gym bag to eat on the go when hunger first strikes, however some of the snacks required boiling water. Slightly less practical expect for at home or work. My favourite part of each snack is that each one comes with the calorie content on it and if it’s a source of any other goodness, such as protein or fibre. There was no need to keep going back to the box or booklet for the information.


Poppy seed & onion bagel.

Definitely one of my favourite snacks, full of flavour, convenient to eat on the go. Healthy but didn’t feel like I was eating cardboard. I found it a perfect alternative to crisps.

Lemon & rosemary olives.

Another great snack, although if you are anything like me than you will manage to make a oily mess. Perfect late afternoon snack.


Belgian speculations.

Cookie dip with cinnamon pretzel sticks, felt a little naughty which is something I look for in healthy snacks.

Marvellous carrot cake.

Accompanied by a tea bag for afternoon tea and cake, for me this felt like the smallest of the snacks, which is why it is only 80 calories. I would have preferred a slightly bigger piece with more calories because if I’m sitting down for tea and cake I want it to be a little bit special.


Bonnie wee oatbakes.

One of my favourite snacks within the two boxes mainly because it came with a delicious caramelised onion marmalade.

Thai Tom Yum.

Probably my least favourite snack because it was a lot of effort as far as snacking goes. A hot & sour soup which requires boiling water, felt a bit like you were making a pot noodle, certainly not a snack to put in your handbag nor would I take it to work. Although it had plenty of flavour, it just wasn’t for me.


Baobab & raspberry clusters.

If you like dried fruit then this pack is for you, the snack pack included dried raspberries, coconut chips, beetroot, apple and pumpkin seeds. Perfect alternative to sweets.

Brilliant black forest. 

I have the sweetest of tooths, and this black forest cake piece was absolutely delicious, it came with cherry compote, which made it even sweeter. The packaging suggested heating it in the microwave, which I didn’t because it wasn’t convenient, however it was just as yummy cold.


I enjoyed most of the snacks however at almost a £1 per snack, they can be a little more expensive compared to preparing snacks yourself. However convenience and time wise they are worth there value, specially as I don’t have time to work out the calorie content of everything I prepare. And I truly believe they are perfect for anyone trying to lose weight or just starting on a diet.


Our score: 8.6/ 10

Get healthy snack subscription for anyone with a busy life.

  • Quality of products9
  • Originality8
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money7
  • Selection of products9

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