Little Hands Learning – June 2021: Superhero Activity Box

Little Hands Learning is a children’s activity box subscription service that supports your child’s learning and development through the magic of books. One of my favourite parts of the day is snuggling with Penny under her covers and getting ready for storytime. Our day can often be chaotic, full of appointments, drop-offs, and trips to the shops. The Little Hands Learning box gives us the opportunity to sit together and really connect, without her little sister demanding my attention or the distraction of electronics in the background.

Not only does the box introduce both of us to a new and exciting story every month, but it also provides fun, hands-on multi-sensory activities that encourage Penny to relate and make connections, therefore, deepening her understanding of its themes. The activities are incredibly well thought-out and can be adapted for all ages and levels of development.

Last month’s Superhero Activity Box was inspired by ‘Super Milly and the Super School Day’ written by Stephanie Clarkson and Gwen Millward. The activities (created by qualified and experienced primary school teachers) were designed to inspire children to help others and build their self-esteem through art, science, and personal reflection.

The box contained a wide range of materials including activity cards, mask templates, glue, lolly sticks, a wooden spoon, felt cape & eye masks, generously sized sachets of red, blue and yellow powder paint, paper, a roll of washi tape, a paintbrush, and a word & phases sheet.

Penny’s favourite activity was creating her own superhero spoon. It went everywhere with her that day including her sandpit and even her bed at night time. That was fun trying to wrestle it out of her clutches without waking her up! There was a ‘Nature Mask’ activity that encouraged us to head outside and collect our own natural resources such as flowers and leaves. I really appreciate that each activity card comes with detailed instructions as well as interesting talking points to keep your little one engaged.

The colour mixing activity gave Penny the opportunity to learn at her own pace and experiment with colour. She made predictions and took the lead which allowed her to build her confidence. Finally, the ‘My Superpowers’ activity gave Penny the opportunity to sit and think about how she is special. I wrote the words and she made markings underneath. She said she gives people turns which makes her kind, she comes up with great games so has a good imagination, she’s good at art and also hopping. We also talked about what makes her happy. It’s so important for little ones to talk about and identify different feelings and this activity gently helped Penny to develop her language and literacy skills.

This month’s book was very relevant to Penny’s age and stage as it’s based in a primary school (Penny starts after summer) and she’s incredibly interested in superheroes like her geeky daddy. She couldn’t wait to show him all her creations when he came home from work; her enthusiasm and pride were wonderful to see; a true testament to how magical and engaging the Little Hands Learning activity box really is.

Our score: 10.0/ 10

The activities were easy to set up and tidy away, they were engaging and, most importantly, fun! Not only did this month's box introduce a fantastic story to our library, but it also allowed us to create some wonderful memories together.  

  • Quality of products10
  • Originality10
  • Packaging and delivery10
  • Value for money10
  • Selection of products10

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