My Geek Box – September 2019

My Geek Box is exactly as it sounds – a box of geeky stuff! There’s no theme or menu, you simply get a selection of items from a huge assortment of geeky franchises.
It costs from £19.99 a month, including postage.
I was pretty excited to see that the box look especially big this month!
But actually it turned out it was mostly padding. The actual items take up very little space. Let’s take a look.
Two volumes of the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection.
These are vols. 5 and 6. 
As it happens, last month’s box contained volumes 3 and 4 as well. I’m not convinced it’s a good idea to include such similar items on consecutive months, and while they’re not exactly identical books, they have enough in common to need some space in between. 
Here is a Rick and Morty Collectible Coin, Mr Meeseeks. I’m a big fan of Rick and Morty, so I always love to see this franchise.
As it happens, last month’s box also contained a collectible coin, in a Pickle Rick design.
As I said before, these appear to be officially licensed coins, so as they’re not numbered they’re not limited edition. 
Two Fallout Pin Badges. These clever designs are bottlecaps of two famous drinks from the Fallout world – Sunset Sasparilla and Nuka Cola. Not only do they look cool, they are also My Geek Box exclusives!
Finally, this month’s t-shirt is a Rick and Morty design. It’s pretty simple, no colour and just the faces, or rather half faces! It’s a nice design but it’s a polycotton blend, which I don’t think is pleasant to wear. 

Our score: 7.8/ 10

I've got mixed feelings about this month's box. I like the coin, as Iove Rick and Morty, but I'm sad that the R&M t-shirt isn't great quality. My Geek Box seem to vary their t-shirt quality, sometimes they're cotton, sometimes, not, so I really think they need to pay more attention to this, because polycotton really lets the quality down. I also really like the Fallout pins, they're really fun retro designs even if you aren't such a fan of the franchise. As for the books, I'm not impressed. Too many too close together. It's really not on to have the effectively the same thing two months on the trot, and while you could technically say the same thing about the coin, the coin is much smaller but has better value. Also this month's items took up very little space, they should have used a much smaller box. So a mixed bag. The value is OK, but it's boosted by the pins and the coin. I'm also hoping they'll leave Star Trek alone for the next few months.

  • Quality of products9
  • Originality8
  • Packaging and delivery8
  • Value for money7
  • Selection of products7

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