MyMeow: Box 8 Winter 2022 – Be Meow Valentine

One of the joys of having a pet is having something to love, and the latest box Be Meow Valentine from My Meow gives you the perfect opportunity to show your kitty just how much you love them!

How lovely is this? Lots of hearts and love. Plus I do love the wonderful cartoon illustrations that come with each month’s box.

The MyMeowMag really is excellent. It’s the one bit of the My Meow box that cat owners get all to themselves, though if your cat likes to chew paper you might find it’s been claimed by kitty as well! The contents are both fun and informative. There’s advice about cat health, lovely homemade snack recipes, and features on different featured breeds. There are also fun things like cats in movies and literature.

As for the goodies themselves, they’re all about the cat.

The treats in MyMeow are always excellent quality, and generally beloved by my kitty. Wherever she is in the house she’ll always come running when she hears the rustle of treat bags! This month we have three bags of 100% meat-based treats.

All these treats are made from 100% meat, generally dried in some way, with absolutely no filler, sugar, or other dodgy things that cats don’t need. My cat especially adores the chicken treats, and can steal and eat a whole package very easily!

Also, My Meow will tailor treats somewhat to your cat’s taste, for example mine is less keen on fish treats so they don’t really show up. So if your cat has any huge dislikes you can just let My Meow know when you subscribe.

Lots of toys here! And these are definitely in the romantic theme. Three little catnip toys that smell enchanting to cats, and they have pleasing little moving and dangling bits, such as the feathery tail, that cats love. I’m actually not sure if the one on the right is a toy or a hat, as it has a little elastic, but while my cat tolerated the New Year collar, I’m not sure how she’ll react to a wearing a hat! But at any rate, it’s still fun to play with.

This laser cat toy is also a lot of fun. It comes with batteries and is very easy to put together. As you probably know, it shoots out a little red spot of light that cats love to chase.

Bit of a blurry action shot here! These are great fun, but don’t forget that cats also need to be able to catch things they chase! So the combination of this with the catnip toys is perfect.

And here’s an extra special treat, a Heart-Shaped Cat Bed!

It’s made from lovely soft fleece, and is a pretty good size even for my big fluff ball.

It required a good sniff from my kitty, and while she ignored it for several days, I discovered her sitting comfortably in it happily shedding fluff. Of course she jumped out immediately when I tried to get a photograph. But I can say that she does like it very much.

Don’t forget, at the bottom of every box is a cardboard scratch pad, which can be handily recycled when kitty has finished shredding it!



Our score: 9.8/ 10

The treats this month are huge favourites, I'm always happy to see the 100% meat snacks. I'm very pleased with the cat bed too, it's really cute, and cats do love to have lots of special places to curl up. It's also very useful because if you have a fluffy cat that sheds, like mine, it keeps the fluff somewhat contained! It's great having a new set of toys, and I hoard them and swap them around so she doesn't get bored. My Meow is really lovely way to both try out and stock up on toys and goodies for your kitty, and even better if. you have a couple of cats! As long as they like sharing of course. The themes are fun and really well thought out, and the magazine really is packed with information, very impressive. A big success for everything this month, and my lovely kitty will be in no doubt as to how much I love her!

  • Quality of products10
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  • Value for money9
  • Selection of products10

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