SnackSurprise is a foodie subscription box. Rather than the usual country-specific company that is commonly seen, SnackSurprise features snacks from a different country every month.There are three levels of subscription: Mini, with 5 snacks for £6.99, Original, which contains 8 – 10 different snacks including a drink, and costs £12.99 per month, and Premium, containing 16-20 items, and costs £23.99. Shipping is free for all UK subscribers too!SnackSurprise has a lovely new mailing box. Previously the goodies were sent in a regular cardboard box, but they’ve now got a terrific branded box. By the way, I know you can see that it looks a little bashed up, but all the contents were perfectly fine.This month we’re tasting some snack foods from Denmark. I’ve never been there and don’t know a whole lot about the country, so I’m interested to see what they come up with.The little menu booklet inside gives you some facts about Denmark, which is especially useful for me, I learned a lot!Of course you’ve also got the list of the box contents. There are actually three boxes available, I have the Original, which is the medium size. There is a Mini, which has fewer items, and a Premium which is nearly twice as large! You get to see everything in case you feel tempted to upgrade.Ostepops. This is a cheesy crunchy corn puff snack, and very delicious with a great strong flavour.Skipper’s Pipe. This is a piece of liquorice in the shape of a pipe, and much beloved by all in Denmark. Liquorice is extremely popular all over Scandinavia, so this is a very representative item of national tastes.Plum in Madeira and Guld Toffee. The disc on the left is from one of Denmark’s most famous chocolatiers. It’s a marzipan disc with a fruit filling covered with chocolate. On the right are Gul Toffee, which are chocolate-covered toffees. They’ve been around since the 50s!Pingvin Blanding. This is another liquorice-based candy, though these are more like a mix of liquorice allsorts and gummies. Apparently another favourite with Danish families. Yankie Bar. I love the name of this, though I don’t think it has anything to do with actual yankies! But it’s delicious, a bit like a Mars Bar with a soft layer and then caramel on top.Snack Chips. Another savory snack, these are crinkly square crisps whose flavour is described as spiced in the menu, but apparently they are supposed to be a sort of cheese and tomato flavour. They do remind me a little of ketchup, they taste great, and definitely not a familiar flavour for crisps.Kims Nodder. This is one of two options of nuts, these being salted almonds. The other possibility was a mixture of almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts.Orangestang. These are lovely sticks of orange flavoured chocolate, simple but tasty and sweet.Flipper. This funny candy is a childhood favourite, and is a fruit flavoured foam sweet. It’s a little strange to be eating candy shaped like a dolphin, but it does taste great!Champis. This is a mixed fruit flavoured soda, another item that has been around for a long time, in fact since 1918! The actual recipe is a secret, but it’s great, nice and refreshing.
This box was a lot of fun, though as I'm not a fan of liquorice I didn't attempt the pipe! But the gummy and allsorts mix was actually nice, they worked well together as they weren't too liquoricey. I loved the Snack Chips, the slightly spicy savory tomato tasted amazing. The one thing I though wasn't great was the salted nuts, they were actually perfectly nice but they didn't feel particularly Danish. But besides that, this was a lovely combination and really interesting to have an insight into favourite flavours from Denmark!